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Showing posts with the label deception technology

What is Deception Technology and why Virtual Reality will be the Ultimate Weapon against Cyberattack

Development with technologies such as Deception Technology has become either a boon for cyber professionals or hackers, and this can go either way thanks to the growth in recent years. ‘Going for the obvious kill’ hacker mentalities are long gone, attackers are now practicing sophisticated takedowns by aligning with government agencies to tap into other nations highly sensitive information or sabotage the networks. Hackers are smart, and they will find every possible point of entry for a network, they can bypass firewalls and reach their destination at ease. This is why firewalls can be a good security layer but not the best defender against black hat hackers. But would you believe me, if I say there is one advanced and creative thinking towards handling these attacks by not depending yourself on firewalls? Sounds interesting right, yes this an Israel based startup called Illusive Network is the mind behind this innovative defense mechanism, let me explain. Deception t...