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Showing posts from May, 2019

8 Common Hacking Techniques & 3 Ways to Avoid Them All

Hackers come in many forms with sophisticated Hacking Techniques, While there has been a lot of discussion about online security in recent years, many people are still unfamiliar with the types of attacks they are most likely to be targeted by. Knowing what’s out there is clearly important when it comes to keeping yourself safe online. Read this article to learn about eight of the most common hacking tactics, along with what steps you can take to secure yourself from them. Wi-Fi spoofing (aka Fake WAP) Public Wi-Fi networks are great when you’re on the move. However, it’s important to be aware of the attacks that can make use of public wireless networks to hack your data. One of the most common risks with using public wireless networks is falling for a spoofed Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi spoofing is a kind of Hacking Techniques, also known as Fake Wireless Access Point attacks, are a hacking tactic that work by creating a false Wi-Fi connection point. If you browse the Wi-Fi networks av...

Most Important Data Protection Policies to Keeping Your Personal, Official, Financial Data Safe

The recent compromise of Facebook privacy has caused ripples of fear as to whether any data can be safe. Yes. You can make your data safe anytime you choose to employ the right way. Discover the different options that will guarantee your data remarkable security! There are different ways of making your data safe. But most essentially,  secure your datawith RED SECURIUM TECHNOLOGY . Stay ahead of security and discover different options of keeping your personal, official, financial…data safe. We value your privacy and so we offer the best solutions for your data safety. Are you storing your data in electronic form? Here is a comprehensive guide on how to keep your data safe. Set up Protected Passwords  Electronic data has become safer since the invention of the  password  as the security alternative. Up to date, it is the first solution against hacking and other security threats. But there are ways to follow while setting up your password. Are you a ...

What is Deception Technology and why Virtual Reality will be the Ultimate Weapon against Cyberattack

Development with technologies such as Deception Technology has become either a boon for cyber professionals or hackers, and this can go either way thanks to the growth in recent years. ‘Going for the obvious kill’ hacker mentalities are long gone, attackers are now practicing sophisticated takedowns by aligning with government agencies to tap into other nations highly sensitive information or sabotage the networks. Hackers are smart, and they will find every possible point of entry for a network, they can bypass firewalls and reach their destination at ease. This is why firewalls can be a good security layer but not the best defender against black hat hackers. But would you believe me, if I say there is one advanced and creative thinking towards handling these attacks by not depending yourself on firewalls? Sounds interesting right, yes this an Israel based startup called Illusive Network is the mind behind this innovative defense mechanism, let me explain. Deception t...