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Showing posts with the label advanced persistent threat (apt) actors

Rising Threats in CyberSpace – Organizations Must be Prepared to Experience

Recently we have seen more increase in various threats and the ways of intruding the network and there  were  increase by APT groups. Mostly because of political agenda, cyberespionage, cyberwars, competitions and more of script kiddies. Even though it’s urging and pushing us to implement SOC in your organization, still it does not achieve what it intends to do, because of the weak process and scope definement and pure lack of skills. Cyber Criminals are exponentially increasing in numbers and the technology they were using is beyond limitations and boundaries. After the increase of  APT threat actors , cyber-attacks are becoming the first and the crucial weapon for many political causes, reputation losses, competitions, loss of data and more. In 2018, we have seen various Data breaches,  DDoS attacks , Ransomware variants, Emerging baking Trojan (Emotet, Heedo), TrickBot, Huge variants and  exponential increase of MalSpams, Vulnerability ...